Some Vagaries of English Language – Confusing Simple English

-> Wonder why the word “Funeral” starts with FUN?
-> Why isn’t a Fireman called a Waterman?
-> How come Lipstick doesn’t do what it says?
-> If money doesn’t grow on trees, how come Banks have Branches?
-> If a Vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a Humanitarian eat?
-> How do you get off a non-> stop Flight?
-> Why are goods sent by Ship called CARGO, and those sent by Truck SHIPMENT?
-> Why do we put cups in the “Dishwasher” and the dishes in the “Cupboard”?
-> Why do doctors “Practice” medicine? Are they having practice at the cost of the patients?
-> Why is it called “Rush Hour” when traffic moves at its slowest then?
-> How come Noses run and Feet smell?
-> Why do they call it a TV ‘set’ when there is only one?
-> What are you vacating when you go on a “Vacation”?